“Living Heritage 4 All” Erasmus+2020-1-LV01-KA204-077529

#Heritage4All #Erasmus+ #LH4A


The goals of the project are:

  1. Ensuring greater accessibility of training to vulnerable groups;
  2. Providing better opportunities to explore Europe’s cultural heritage among vulnerable groups;
  3. Motivating and empowering people from vulnerable groups through new training opportunities in the field of European cultural heritage.

The project partnership includes 7 organizations (NGOs and public authorities) from Latvia, Greece, Poland, Cyprus, Bulgaria and two German provinces, representing Northern, Southern, Central, Western and Eastern Europe.

Bulgaria’s partnership is represented by


The partnership will unite efforts to improve adult education by promoting and preserving local cultural heritage to enable vulnerable groups in society.

The duration of the project is 24 months and includes 4 transnational meetings, 1 study visit, preparation of the Heritage4All training program and online training platform and 7 local dissemination events.

At least 20 adult trainers will increase their knowledge and skills during the project and at least 315 participants will take part in local project activities. At least 210 people not directly involved in the project,

will benefit from the project in each country – organizations active in the field of cultural activities, organizations active in the field of adult education and training, representatives in the field of social affairs, local, regional and national public authorities and policy makers and the representative of vulnerable groups involved in local dissemination events.

The exchange of experience and the creation of an online platform showing the results of the project will increase the accessibility of training for vulnerable groups, increase the opportunities for researching European cultural heritage for vulnerable groups and motivate people from vulnerable groups through new training opportunities. European cultural heritage. The transnational approach of the project will lead to deeper mutual understanding and cooperation in Europe.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.